

A little section of hair is braided and wrapped with string into different colorful designs ending with a bead and charm.

Pick 3 to 5 colors of cotton string

Pick a strand of hair

Pick a bead and a hanging charm

Enjoy your wrap for up to 3 months in your hair.

Untitled design(9)



Q: How long do hairwraps last in hair?
A: 3 months or longer depending on the hair quality. Little kids have very fine hair, so it comes off sooner. People usually just wait til it falls off. Or cut through the top knot and slip it off.

Q: How long does my hair have to be for a hairwrap?
A: At least 5 inches

Q: Will the hairwrap ruin my hair?
A: The hair is wrapped for a long time and it gets damaged. I use just a little piece of hair so if it falls off or you need to cut it, it`s really not a big deal.

Q: Can my kids wear it at school?
A: If somebody plays sports or does cheer leading, the charm can be taped to make sure it does not get caught in anything.

Q: How long does it take to make a hairwrap?
A: Between 25-45 minutes

Q: Can I have more than just one?
A: As many as you want!

Q: Can you make it longer than my actual hair?
A: It is an inch longer because of the beads and charm but if you want it longer than that I can definitely extend the wrap.

Q: Do I have to have beads and a charm?
A: Beads are essential, otherwise the wrap is too light and the beads weigh it down just enough.

Q: Is there anything special I need to do to maintain it?
A: Nope, put it aside when washing hair and be careful when combing hair.


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