
Dreadlock and maintenance services


Root maintenance 2-3 hrs
Root to tip maintenance 4-6 hrs
Half head starter dreads 3-6 hrs
full head starter dreads 8-12 hrs


Please keep in mind that these hours are just approximate estimates for the job but it really depends on how well maintained your locks are, how much hair or amount of dreads there is and length. If a job takes over 6 hours, we will have to schedule 2 appointments. This type of work is really hard on the body and hands as we barely take breaks and  so the longest appointment i can schedule is 6 hours maximum. Thank you for your understanding.


The transformation that occurs when someone locks their hair is a significant one, but dreadlocks don’t always deliver that instant gratification like a new haircut and haircolor does.  When you leave our salon after having new natural dreadlocks installed they will look nice and tight, but will look nothing like what they will eventually mature to be. Locks typically take approximately 1-2 years to fully mature and will change over time. They require a ton of patience and a good amount of TLC from you at home especially if you want them to look nice. You have to accept the fact that there is always going to be a bit of fuzz an some loose hairs. The roots are not supposed to be very tight as there need to be space for the matting/dreading process I recommend a root maintenance session every 3-6 months. Dreadlocks are commitment and not a temporary hairstyle.


Weekly Maintenance

Separate your roots.  Dreadlocks love to make friends with their buddies next door, but don’t let them! Pull your dreadlocks away from each other in all directions. If you feel a hair or two attached to the wrong lock, RIP it apart. Don’t be scared to! If your dreadlocks are not coming apart at the root asking a friend or lover to help you may be necessary. If that still doesn’t work and you feel the only answer is a pair of scissors, put the scissors down and pick up your phone and call us for a maintenance appointment! Separating is best done when your hair is still damp from washing and after swimming but can be done at any time really. 

Palm rolling.  Palm rolling has a cumulative effect and it’s results will not be seen for some time especially with new dreadlocks. We promise you though, it is very helpful in keeping the bodies in a cylinder shape and to help them tighten. Palm rolling will not get rid of the fly aways/frizzies! In fact it can make it worse (temporarily). It is recommended to palm roll your dreadlocks when your hair is dry. 

Root rubbing. Holding your loose roots in between two fingers and gently rubbing it clockwise and counter-clockwise against your scalp. This will help encourage new growth to begin tangling up a bit. 






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